Videos & Media

Explore press mentions about Eddy, as well as articles written by Eddy which share his unique perspective.


Dress for success or cop an AJC white card send-off

The Sydney Morning Herald

“Memory in the Living Room” Shoah memorial event at NSW State Parliament

NSW Government Press Release

Survivor to speak in home city

The Australian Jewish News

Survivor’s Premier event

The Australian Jewish News

Hamas hiding’ as innocent Palestinians suffer

The Daily Telegraph

Holocaust survivor addresses audience in Canberra

The Australian Jewish News

‘ I want an apology before I die’

The Australian Jewish News

Holocaust survivor’s remarkable tale of hope

The Daily Telegraph

Contrite Dom Meets Holocaust Survivor After Nazi Little Surprise

The Daily Telegraph

We Can Be Heroes Podcast Interview – Eddy Boas

Life FM Gippsland

Australia has lost our vital post-WWII unity

Daily Telegraph

Als 5-jarig jongetje had ik al geleerd te overleven (As a 5-year-old boy, I had already learned to survive)

Algemeen Dagblad

Man Behind That Junk Mail

Ad News

Who really betrayed Anne Frank?

The Australian Jewish News

28 August 2019
Listen to Eddy Boas, a Holocaust Survivor, Share His Life Story

The New York Times


Join Eddy as he imparts valuable lessons and inspires audiences.

Sky News Australia: Eddy Boas on Rising Anti-Semitism in Australia
Dutch TV Interview: Joods Erfgoed Den Haag
ANZAC Day Reflections: Renee Heath MP on meeting Eddy Boas
"The Nazis fed horses better than Jews" - Eddy Boas
Interview with Dane Stern: From Nazi Occupation to New Australian Beginnings
Stories Survive Speaker Series: Eddy Boas
World famous Stony Bay Race horse
Eddy C7 Live Interview 80th Anniversary Austwitz